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Saturday, March 8, 2008

hey guys!

woah..suddenly tagboard is way cool

i have sent out invitation to jia hui,tiongw ei, daniel and bao hui and me of course to be Blog Authors.
this means we can post using our own blog accounts and not needing the 4r12007 account.
those x4r1 ppl who wish to become blog authors as well can do so by letting me know on this tagboard or msn me

Regarding Class Chalet
its confirmed
Venue: Island Resort (At east coast area-Me and daniel will be going down to confirm location etc.)
Date: 21-22 March
Cost: $10 per person

*Currently there are 22 people confirm going, excluding Miss Kum and Mr Tan
I have yet to receive replies from the following - Wai Kei, Evelyn, Jocelyn, Lutfi, Wei Ting, Shuhadah,Yong Jin
the following are confirm not coming - Kah Chin (Not free), Tiong Wei (Overseas), Candy, Zheng Wei, Desmond, Shu Ying, Audi (Not Free), Cui Shan
Maybe coming, maybe not - Grace,Sara, Wei Xuan
Those going are the rest.

The chalet is $198 per night (chosen because Aloha and Costasands are fully booked.)
Food is budgeted at $100
Total cost is approx $300
If each person $10, I need 7 more people to come. So please, if you can persuade your friends to come..PLEASE GET THEM
otherwise, we might have to pay 300/25 = $12 per person. so yup, even those confirm not going, you can still convince them!
with 4R1 spirit..nth is impossible!

okay..so there's 2 mre weeks to chalet..and yes..pls hurry!



3:10 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Monday, February 18, 2008

Pls make our 4r1 alive!!! PASS ON THIS MSG TO EVERYONE and TELL THEM 4r1 BLOG IS STILL IN USE!!! hahaha? perhaps alot of ppl are pretty busy... haiz... anw, lucks for jae posting tmr!!!!

8:37 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

arlows ex 4R1

so so tml results are out..
posting results that is..

wish all of u get into the school u all want yeah?
cheers (:

yup yup
wondering if we shd have another chalet
to bring back those times

an update on where everyone is now..(as of 18 feb 08)

Shu Hui - TJC
Wei Yi - England
Denisa - TJC
Bao Hui - TJC
Grace - MJC
Shu Ying - MJC
Jia Hui - MJC
Iffah - TPJC
Janelle - MJC
Candy - TJC
Cui Shan - MJC
Jia Yu - MJC
Wan Ling - TPJC
Cheryl - SAJC
Wei Ting - unknown
Siew Yin - Poly
Joleen - Poly
Jing Yu - MJC
Shuhadah - TJC
Olivia - Unknown
Jocelyn - Unknown
Sara - MJC
Siti - Unknown
Evelyn - TJC
Tan Yin - TJC
Hui Xin - MJC
Wai Kei - TJC
Yusneeta - MJC
Audi - Poly
Sze How -MJC
Yong Jin - MJC
Desmond - MJC
Jerrold - TJC
Daniel - MJC
Bo Jun - TJC
Tiong Wei - TJC
Qin Kai - MJC
Lutfi - TJC
Afiq - Unknown
Zai Wang - TPJC
Kah Chin - TJC
Joel - MJC
Zheng Wei - TJC
Wei Xuan - Unknown

so thats abt it..

cya all soon (:


7:59 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Saturday, February 2, 2008

elo ex 4r1s~
i noe no one is gna read this..
unless u happen to stumble along..
bt being bored..
i suddenly rmb the class blog..
and so came to post..

sec sch ended..
we went to diff jcs..or poly..
or other instituitions..
bt we still are frenz rite??

it was so exciting meetin all of u back again last week..
collecting 'o's results..
lets give credit again to the top students..

9 Distinctions~

8 Distinctions~
Kah Chin
Zheng Wei
Jing Yu
Qin Kai
Bo Jun
Yong Jin
(and i m so sorry..i forgot the last two..)
congrats all!
no matter wat our results are..
lets continue striving hard..
may the spirit of 4R1 last foreva~
and may this frenship last as well

all the best ppl!

signing off~


12:04 AM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Heys! dun u all tink dis is nicee?


juz tot of makin it

like potrait of us!


craziee me ba

go on

i noe u all wan save it

it doesnt look as refined as the one we gonna get(class foto)..bt dis was done is 5 mins? lol..so nt tat nice..bt i tink can pass..haha..alrite..go on..save it..move ur mouse there..hahaha..whee!

toodles~ byes


5:58 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[: